About Me

"Ann Louie" is Ann Louise DeMatteo. She is my mom and what was supposed to be a routine CAT scan for pneumonia turned into a diagnosis of Stage IV adenocarcinoma (Lung Cancer). If you have had cancer, or known someone who has, you know how devastating it can be to the patient and their family physically, emotionally and financially. Please visit our site to receive updates on my Mom and to find out about events and ways you can help. Thank you in advance for your prayers and support!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Coming Weeks...

Tonight my mom, sister and I sorted through tons of medical bills and got everything organized. When we were finished Amanda sat back, looked at it, and commented, "So, this is what cancer looks like in an accordian folder." Hmm.

Mom is going for treatment! She still has quite a road ahead... her ankles and knees are still doubled in size and very painful - doctors still aren't sure what the cause is. Also, she's worried about the side effects of the treatments: losing hair, skin burns, difficulty swallowing, nausea and fatigue just to name a few. Mom should start treatments before the end of this month. She also needs her follow up CAT scan to see if the Gamma Knife procedure got rid of her brain tumor(s) or not.

I understand that there is no "cure" for Stage IV cancer and that medically, treatment is only to maintain or slow the cancer as well as relieve symptoms. But, we can always pray for a miracle!

Prayer Requests: Pray for strength, healing and peace. Pray that the treatments shrink the tumors and stop the cancer from spreading. Also, pray that the next CAT scan shows NO brain tumors.

As always, thank you for your love and support!!


  1. Hi Sarah: Keeping your mom in my prayers daily and praying for that miracle. As I told you previously, my mom was her own miracle and had been diagnosed with stage IV adenocarcinoma as well. I realize every situation and person is different, however; I do have faith and I do believe in the absolute power of prayer. Philippians 4:13 "For I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. Keep in touch.

  2. I know I am not close with you or your family, but just knowing you for a short time through FB, you are so sweet and I can't begin to imagine what any family goes through with having a close family member having cancer. I will continue to pray for your mom and your family. I know people do not like hearing this, but it's in Gods hands and he will watch over your mom no matter what. God bless and I hope she heals soon!
