October 22, 2011
Dear Mom,
We may not know when we are going to go, but we all know that we will someday. Whether that day is tomorrow, in two weeks, or ten years from now there are some things I’d like you to know…
Now that I am a mom, I can truly appreciate everything you have done for me the last 28 – almost 29! - years. Whenever Ben is driving me crazy I just think of how you sometimes had to lock us in our rooms and walk away. When Gigi never seems to stop crying, I think of how you were patient with my 12 hours of crying. And when the both of them are at it at the same time, I think to myself, “How did she do it with four – my TWO are driving me crazy!” But you survived - and so will I!
You have also inspired me to be a better wife. I landed a pretty awesome guy, but there are times I’d like to strangle him! I just think of everything you and Dad have been through over the years and how you always stood by him and 32 years later, you are still together! A rarity in our culture…
I also want to tell you how happy I am to see the joy that Ben and Gianna have brought you. Who would have thought that you would be a grandma twice in two years??
I remember last year when we first found out about the cancer we were sitting in the living room just talking and you were cool as a cucumber. I said it’s hard to imagine life without you and you said, “I know, Moms are the best.” It’s so true! I also remember you telling me that after your mom was gone, you would still pick up the phone to call her, and then remember she wouldn’t be there to answer. I know I’ll do the same thing.
Anyway, I know you know this but I love you and I’m proud that you are my mom. Some people say their loved one “lost” their battle to cancer… I won’t say that because anyone who fights as hard as you did could never be a “loser.” I will just say that you were running a tough race and it was time to rest…
I am going to miss you – in some ways I already do. I just have to remember that this life is only temporary, and I will see you again in Heaven.
Sarah, the video was just beautiful! I see you in your mother's smile! Thank you for sharing! Sarah, you and your family are in our prayers!